Getting to a YES with yourself, by William Ury

Category: Mindset

Ideas I found interesting:

  1. Put yourself in your shoes, listen emphatically for your own needs without judging; when we react in a fight we give away our power. To observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence. Keep asking WHY?
  2. Develop your inner BATNA, make a commitment to yourself to take care of your own needs no matter what others do or don’t; when you point your finger at someone there are three fingers pointing back at you. Take the responsibility of your own needs to not depend on the other person. The commitment to take care of yourself can never be taken away from you.
  3. Reframe your picture and see life as being on your side; life is our ally. Expand the capacity to create inner satisfaction to get trapped in the mind of scarcity. By seeing universe as essentially friendly we can make ourselves feel safe. Let the passing pass, let the lasting last.
  4. Stay in the present and don’t let the past and future affect your decisions; 5. Respect them even if; when you feel committed to respect your deepest needs, you will feel more confident in your ability to make yourself happy, then you will be less reactive to other person’s offensive behavior.
  5. Give first to receive.
  6. Have unconditionally constructive attitude of acceptance and respect towards yourself first.

Buy on Amazon: Getting to a YES with yourself, by William Ury #paidlink