Thank You for Being Late: An Optimist’s Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations, by Thomas Friedman

Category: Business, Mindset

Ideas I found interesting:

Knowledge is only good if you can pause and reflect on it

Now anyone can start an opinion wave Inside/outside/without the box thinking – having no limits to your curiosity

Software, storage, networks, mobile – develop together as a cluster and becomes a new normal

First, labor and machines are complementary, then we add cognitive layer – each successful invention delivers more power

Acceleration – we are too slow to develop the supporting systems

Countries should adapt faster to change. Those who adapt survive. In nature you have to change to remain stable

Take as many alien influences and incorporate into your system to remain strong. Thrive for healthy interdependence that promotes growth. Change is best administered by surprise

Thrive to live life in dynamic stability – like always riding a bike

Nature – as human kind we are beyond the point of where earth has been before are a living organism in the past 11k years

Work on yourself – the start up of you – you need a new contract with yourself for self-motivation and life-long learning to be able to adopt to the speed of change

Don’t keep the paddle in the water while kayaking, move the paddle to speed up in the fast water, walk up faster then the moving escalator. Life- long learning and keep reinventing yourself

Forever student is NOT such a bad thing afterall

There is no ceiling anymore – you can learn at your own speed anything you’d like. The motivational divide comes from self-motivation for those who are constantly willing to grow

Politics becomes harder because of growing interdependence among countries. After WW2 the age of holocene, everything simple, just one enemy to contain – mutual destructions are guarantees of peace

Other average countries could just relax getting all foreign aid. Now it is all about decentralized power and all about countries that can build smarter not cheaper

No country wants to occupy another because all you win is a bill. The change should come from within by changing the culture (isis can be destroyed by muslims themselves)

Be adaptable to outside influence, open to diversity (pluralism), culture of ownership and ability to solve your own problems

Amplify – help people realize their full potential, build schools instead of selling guns, help stabilize basic lives locally, provide broadband to bring economic stability

Is God in cyberspace? Internet is not controlled and people behave there like there is no God because there is no Moore’s law on human progress and moral development

Follow the golden rule – don’t do to other what you don’t want to be done to you

Optimist vs pessimist assumes you are a fatalist and don’t believe future is in your own hands – be so neither

“There is only one way to thrive now, and it’s by finding and creating your own eye. The eye of a hurricane moves, along with the storm. It draws energy from it, while creating a sanctuary of stability inside it. It is both dynamic and stable – and so must we be. We can’t escape these accelerations. We have to dive into them, take advantage of their energy and flows where possible, move with them, use them to learn faster”.

Buy on Amazon: Thank You for Being Late: An Optimist’s Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations, by Thomas Friedman #paidlink